Our Projects
Shafdan WwTP
The Shafdan is the largest wastewater treatment plant in Israel. The plant treats and disposes of wastewater from an extensive, densely-populated area that includes industrial zones, workshops and businesses in 11 cities and towns including Tel Aviv. An undesirable by-product of the wastewater treatment process is sludge, the microbiological mass that is created as a result of the decomposition of organic material in wastewater. Sludge is a nuisance to the environment since, barring expensive treatment, it contains active bacteria and pathogens, and its foul odor repels humans but attracts insects

Ashdod WwTP
Shtang is upgrading the Ashdod WwTP to a tertiary treatment level and enlarging its capacity. This is done by constructing a gravitational sand filtering system, improving the bioreactors, reconstructing the primary scrapers, erecting new secondary clarifiers and tanks, and more. The works included, inter alia, civil works and sealing, construction and refurbishment buildings, supply and installation of electromechanical equipment, supply and installation of instrumentation and a command & control system, as well as startup and commissioning of the upgraded and enlarged facility
Ashkelon WwTP
Shtang upgraded the Ashkelon WWTP from secondary to tertiary level treatment and from 24,000 m3/d to 45,000 m3/d. The work included upgrading of the bioreactors, upgrading and adding clarifiers, a complete gravitational sand filtration system, sludge treatment upgrading and a biogas holding tank

Nisgav WwTP
In the heart of Israel, The Nisgav oxidation pond treated wastewater from various local and regional councils. The pond used surface aerators, was very inefficient and supplied only primary treatment. Not only was the effluent not in line with regulations, but the odor coming from the wastewater was a veritable nuisance to the surrounding communities
Kiriat Gat WwTP
Shtang supplied and installed equipment, completed civil works, electrical and control systems, piping, etc. in the WWTP, in order to upgrade it to tertiary level. In addition, the treatment process was modified. The works included, inter alia, effluent pipe laying, supply of equipment, construction and commissioning of a chlorination system, supply of equipment and erection of a tertiary treatment facility (including the construction of a contact tank, piping and holding tank), conversion of three reactors to tertiary treatment, including refurbishment, the construction of odor control systems and a command and control system for the entire wastewater treatment facility
Yoqneam WwTP
Shtang constructed a wastewater treatment plant using the SBR technology, with gravitational tertiary treatment and aerobic sludge digestion. The project was a DBOT, in which the company undertook the financing, design and construction, as well as operation and maintenance for a period of 25 years. The works included a pre-treatment system, biological treatment systems, clarification, gravitational tertiary filtration and sludge treatment
Dalton WwTP
Shtang constructed a complex CSBR wastewater treatment plant that combined new secondary and tertiary modules with existing primary treatment ponds, but at the same time, prepared for their bypassing if necessary. BOD concentrations are twice the norm for sanitary WW due to streams from a large egg derivative factory. Snows in winter rendered the work challenging, but heavy machinery for snow removal and heating was used and the original timetables were strictly followed. Furthermore, the plant being situated near the Lebanese border, special protective structures were necessary, as per Home Front Command regulations
Holit WwTP
Construction, startup, commissioning and O&M for a five year period, for the Holit WwTP, including upgrading of the old treatment pools and effluent reservoir of the old plant. The facility was built using the SBR technology and treats wastewater to a tertiary level, by pressure sand filtration. Works included earth works, civil works, sealing, pipe laying, valves, gates, etc., sanitary installation works; supply and installation, startup and commissioning of equipment, instrumentation, electrical and control systems; site development and landscape, etc

Ma'ale Eiron WwTP
The Ashdod desalination plant is one of the largest in the world and is designed to supply 100 million cubic meters of water per year. As an essential part of the plant, three pipelines were constructed from the facility into the Mediterranean Sea: Two pipes for pumping sea water for desalination and a third for the brine to return to the sea following treatment. Shtang dug a 12.5 meter deep shaft on the beach at the water's edge and then pipe-jacked three pipes, each with a 2.5 meter diameter and 150 meters of length. The work was done under the seawater and required special reinforcements to prevent the machine from falling into the water. The work included the use of divers who checked that there were no underwater obstructions, and required maximum accuracy in order not to damage the gas pipelines previously placed in the area, and to prevent the sand around the pipes from moving and causing damage to the existing gas pipelines
Farod WwTP
Shtang has set up a complex wastewater treatment facility using CSBR technology that enables continuous treatment of continuous flow. The facility includes an ATAD system for sludge treatment: a method based on thermophilic aerobic digestion, which uses bacteria to digest the sludge automatically without chemicals and without energy for heating. The method allows for significant cost savings to the customer, but requires a great deal of professionalism in operation and maintenance for many years
Shoket WwTP
Expansion and upgrade project of a trough treatment plant at the tertiary level for Hura Local Council. And the establishment of a regulation and emergency pool, in order to increase the output of the sewage treatment plant. The works include, among other things, earthworks and sealing, civil engineering, construction and renovation of buildings, supply and installation of piping and electromechanical equipment, supply and installation of equipment and a command and control system, as well as running of the upgraded and expanded sewage treatment plant
Mevo Carmel WwTP
Shtang designed and constructed on a turnkey basis, a WWTP based on activated sludge with a membrane bioreactor MBR, in which the secondary effluent undergoes ultra-filtration, which renders subsequent sand filtration superfluous. The WWTP was constructed in a hilly area and the company's engineers had to deal with complex geography, where drainage was a challenge. The company is operation and maintaining the WWTP for a two-year period
Ashdod Pipejacking
Expansion and upgrade project of the Afula Regional Sewage Treatment Plant for tertiary treatment for the Mei Noam Water Corporation. As part of the project, construction of an MBR tertiary system, addition of a pre-treatment facility, construction of an initial sedimentation structure, construction of a new selector, construction of a sludge extraction structure, upgrade of the biological system including equipment and construction of a regulation and emergency pool
Afula WwTP
Expansion and upgrade project of the Afula Regional Sewage Treatment Plant for tertiary treatment for the Mei Noam Water Corporation. As part of the project, construction of an MBR tertiary system, addition of a pre-treatment facility, construction of an initial sedimentation structure, construction of a new selector, construction of a sludge extraction structure, upgrade of the biological system including equipment and construction of a regulation and emergency pool. The works include, among other things, earthworks and sealing, civil engineering, construction and renovation of buildings, supply and installation of piping and electromechanical equipment, supply and installation of equipment and command and control system, as well as running and operation of the upgraded and expanded sewage treatment plant
El-Hamra WwTP
Construction, operation and operation of a three-year sewage treatment plant in Hamra. The facility was built using MBR technology and treats sewage to the tertiary level. The works include: earthworks, civil engineering works, sealing, piping, faucets, closures, etc, sanitary plumbing works, supply, installation and running of equipment, instrumentation, electrical and control systems, field development works, landscaping, etc